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博士后·香港中文大学Yi Long课题组
招聘 / 香港 / 博后
    2024-09-02 微信扫码分享 登录后可收藏 投递简历  
龙教授在智能响应性节能材料的开发、基于响应性材料的节能智能窗构筑、环境响应的智能窗节能机制研究、以及多功能智能窗的应用等方面获得了突出原创性成果,相关论文发表在Science, Joule, Matter, Chem. Rev., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater. Adv. Energ. Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Nano等高水平期刊上,更多详细信息见课题组网站https://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb ... essors/prof-long-yi。现课题组急招博士后,待遇优厚,以下是详细招聘信息。请感兴趣的同学直接邮件联系龙教授yilong@ee.cuhk.edu.hk。

There are multiple openings for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to perform research on smart materials and devices at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The main areas of interest include smart materials and devices fabrication, heat management for energy saving functionalities, new generation of sensing and camouflage devices, flexible electronics and soft grippers.For more details, please refer website https://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb ... essors/prof-long-yi。

Applicants should have
(i) a PhD degree from reputable institutions for STEM-related subjects;
(ii) a background in Materials Science/Engineering, Energy, Electronic Engineering, Chemical/physical Science and Engineering;
(iii) strong problem-solving, analytical, writing skills with good teamwork spirits;
(iv) outstanding academic records/publications or recognitions from worldwide top-ranking institutes;
(v) Strong self-motivation. Hands-on experience in materials and devices fabrications is preferred.

Appointment will initially be made on contract basis, renewable subject to mutual agreement.

Applicants should submit the following documents in the online application:
(1) a CV;
(2) transcripts;
(3) representative publications;
(4) demo projects.
For enquiries, please contact Prof. Yi Long at yilong@ee.cuhk.edu.hk.
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