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材料化学类全奖博士研究生·University of Newcastle (澳洲)
留学 / 化学,材料,物理 / Newcastle (澳洲) / 博士
Qianqian Shi     2024-12-19 微信扫码分享 登录后可收藏 投递简历  
澳大利亚University of Newcastle(纽卡斯尔大学)环境和生命科学系史倩倩招收全额奖学金博士生啦(学费豁免+生活费补助$36,000 per annum (2024 rate indexed annually) !有兴趣的同学请直接发送邮件至qianqian.shi@newcastle.edu.au,附上个人简历.

我的课题组主要专注于功能性离激元纳米材料的设计合成,以及它们在化学和生物传感器,催化和能源, 光学器件方向的应用。课题组主要有三个方向:
1.Flexible plasmonic photocatalysts. 目前主要研究ARC的discovery project“Design of 2d soft plasmonic photocatalysts for artificial leaves”。The project aims to fabricate soft 2d plasmonic photocatalysts with leaf-like structures and functions for solar-to-chemical energy conversion. the proposed 2d photocatalysts are expect to change the traditional way of design artificial photocatalysts. expected outcomes of this project include fabrication of soft 2d plasmonic photocatalyst with large-area, ultrathin thickness, and high flexibility, understanding their plasmonic enhancement mechanisms, and construction of artificial leaves to perform the solar-to-chemical conversion, which can provide significant benefits, such as creating new-generation of soft energy devices and advance Australian expertise in photochemistry, self-assembly, and functional nanomaterials.
2. Flexible plasmonic chemical or bio-chemical sensors.
3. Structure and Properties Engineering of Functional 2D Plasmonic Nanoassemblies.

1. 在化学、化工、材料、物理等相关专业已经取得硕士学位(必须)。
2. 英语符合University of Newcalstle要求(雅思平均分不低于6.5,单科不低于6;托福79,写21,说18,读13, 听12)。(必须)
2. 985/211学校或海外top200学校优先。
3. 具有较强的实验技能,有耐心,实事求是,愿意沉下心来做科研。
4. 有SCI论文发表经验,尤其以第一作者发表过sci论文者优先考虑。
5. 有光催化,吸光材料,微流控相关研究背景者优先考虑。

女,本科和硕士毕业于华南理工大学。2018年博士毕业于澳大利亚monash大学,导师为Wenlong cheng教授和Malin premaratne教授。2020年获得澳大利亚arc-discovery early career researcher award。将于2024年1月全职加入University of Newcastle (Australia)担任化学系lecturer(相当于美国的assistant professor)。长期从事soft plasmonics和self-assembly研究,在advanced materials, advanced functional materials, acs nano, nano letter, materials horizons等杂志发表论文40余篇。2021年获monash工程系“dean’s award f or excellence in research by a research fellow”。先后参与或带头多个ARC项目。论文详情请戳google scholar 链接:https://scholar.google.com.au/ci ... aaaaj&hl=en

University of Newcastle简介:
在2024 QS世界大学排名排名中,纽卡斯尔大学全球排名第173位;在2023年泰晤士高等教育影响力排名中居世界影响力前30位。在新南威尔士州的12所大学中排名第四,在36所澳大利亚公立大学中排名第十。
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