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非均相催化方向博士后招聘·University of Central Florida
留学 / 包括化学、化工、环境工程、材料等专业 / 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市 / 博后
嘎鱼隐者-Fudong Liu     2020-05-14 微信扫码分享 登录后可收藏 投递简历  
University of Central Florida非均相催化方向博士后招聘
中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, Florida, United States) Catalysis Cluster for Renewable Energy and Chemical Transformations (REACT), Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering (CECE) 现有博士后位置招聘。该博士后位置起始时间为2020年7-12月至2022年7-12月(两年期限)。博士后合作导师为Dr. Fudong Liu (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5gRxLTwAAAAJ&hl=en),研究方向为非均相催化、纳米材料合成、单原子催化、环境污染物控制、能源分子转化等。课题组为UCF Catalysis Cluster核心团队,具有很强的工业催化及环境催化研究/应用背景,实验平台优越,设备先进齐全,具有丰富的高端材料表征资源(如同步辐射XAS技术、球差电镜等),博士后研究人员有机会参与NSF及著名化工企业资助的研究项目。请有志于深入研究非均相催化方向的博士(包括化学、化工、环境工程、材料等专业)加盟本组,申请时请发送个人简历和三位推荐人信息(可仅提供推荐人姓名、邮箱和工作单位)。

Postdoc Position Available at University of Central Florida
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental and Energy Applications
A postdoc position is open now at Catalysis Cluster for Renewable Energy and Chemical Transformations (REACT), Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering (CECE), University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, Florida. This is a position beginning approximately Jul-Dec 2020 through Jul-Dec 2022 (two-year duration depending on the starting date and upon satisfactory performance). The postdoc scholar for this position will be supervised by Dr. Fudong Liu (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5gRxLTwAAAAJ&hl=en). The research directions include but not limit to heterogenous catalysis, nanomaterial synthesis, single site catalysis, environmental pollutant control, chemical synthesis, and energy conversion etc. The postdoc scholar has chances to participate into the funded projects from federal agency such as NSF as well as industry. Candidates with PhD degree in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, and Materials Sciences and Engineering, as well as high motivation in heterogenous catalysis research are encouraged to apply. Candidates with interest should submit a copy of CV/Resume and a list of three references (only names, emails and institutions).

Introduction to Dr. Fudong Liu:Dr. Liu has been working in heterogeneous catalysis, nanomaterial synthesis and application, environmental catalysis, and synchrotron-based technique (X-ray absorption spectroscopy) for material characterization for 14 years, in both academia (Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and industry (BASF Corporation). He has published 80+ peer reviewed papers with 5700+ citations and H-index of 41, applied 32 patents with 16 granted, given 60+ presentations in academic meetings and published 4 book chapters in heterogenous catalysis field. Dr. Liu received the 2009 CAS P&G Scholarship, 2010 CAS President Scholarship, 2011 CAS Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2012 International Association of Catalysis Societies (IACS) Young Scientist Award, 2013 Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Award, 2014 National Science &Technology Progress Award (2nd Class) and 2019 National Natural Science Award (2nd Class), China.
  嘎鱼隐者-Fudong Liu 发布的招聘
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